Re: AW: [all]trainers for VoiceXML certification program


My course syllabus is at 
<>.  There are a handful of professors 
who teach building speech applications at Universities and Colleges. 
 I'll contact them and ask for a copy of their course syllabus and other 
material that they are willing to share.

I'll also ask Cindy Tirtilli to send you the information about the 
VoiceXML developer certification program.



Colin Thakur wrote:

>Hi folk
>I work at a technical college in South Africa. We want to offer  VXML
>training to our students and developers. ANY direction/ advice/"
>forwarded mail" on this and related   will be appreciated.
>>>>Jim Larson <> 11/5/03 4:22:19 AM >>>
>Please send Ernst information about he developer's certification
>Maracke, Ernst wrote:
>>we offer trainings in VXML dev in the german-speaking area, and I am
>>responsible for that. We definitely plan to extend our offerings 
>>asap to match the requirements for the certification exam.
>>Please contact me and keep me informed.
>>Kind regards, Ernst
>>Ernst Maracke
>>*** Efficient IT Solutions - Since 1983 ***
>>evodion Information Technologies GmbH
>>Ernst Maracke
>>Director Speech & Voice Solutions - Prokurist
>>Alter Teichweg 25A
>>D-22081 Hamburg
>>Fon: +49 (0)40 399999-55
>>Mobil: +49 (0)175 5216514
>>FAX: +49 (0)40 399999-99
>>    -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>    Von: []
>>    Auftrag von Jim Larson
>>    Gesendet: Freitag, 31. Oktober 2003 19:57
>>    An: 
>>    Cc: 
>>    Betreff: [all]trainers for VoiceXML certification program
>>As many of you know, the VoiceXML Forum is putting together a VoiceXML
>>certification program to be available after the first of the year.  
>>VoiceXML Forum is recruiting companies who offer courses in VoiceXML
>>to extend their curriculum to match the goals of this test.  If any of
>>companies offer training courses, please forward the name and e-mail
>address of the
>>head of the training organization to both and 
>>  We'll contact them to explain how the new
>program will 
>>work and invite them to participate.
>>Jim Larson 

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2003 11:10:44 UTC