Re: VoiceXML2: Examples

Hi Al,

Al Gilman <> wrote:

["Provide a machine-understandable means/mechanism to get from a
document instance to the schema."]

> One way to clearly satisfy the urgings of this checkpoint would be that, if
> a schema is available over the Web, every instance conforming to that schema
> *does include* a working value of xsi:schemaLocation explicitly.

I agree that this is a commendable goal, but I think that the method
you describe to implement the guideline is very wrong. Mandatory use of
xsi:schemaLocation ties the instance to not only one schema language,
but also to one particular XML Schema. One could very well use a RelaxNG
schema for VoiceXML, because it does additional checks, or write their
own XML Schema for it, that would perhaps be better than the normative one,
simply because the normative schema is unfortunately broken, or missed
essential checks. See the recent discussions on xml-dev about this topic.

As I wrote earlier I understand that schemaLocation is only a hint,
but I find that in the case of the VoiceXML2 examples, its use makes
the examples unnecessarily verbose, and that it appears to make the
schema mandatory, although one could very well validate VoiceXML2
files with a DTD or a Schematron, or whatever. Even if the spec
provides a normative schema, it shouldn't make it the only possible
schema for that language.



Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 04:43:06 UTC