SRGS: Metadata containing both " and ' in ABNF format

According to the 06/27/02 SRGS specification, the ABNF production for 'meta' and 'http-equiv' allows either double or single quoted strings for the name and value field.  However, there is no provision for ecaping the corresponding quote characters.  Thus, it is not possible to provide strings which contain both double quotes (") and single quotes (') as meta-data.  As the XML format does not impose such a restriction, it is not possible to guarantee a translation from an XML format grammar to an ABNF grammar.  

I consider this a problem and suggest adding support for C-style escape sequences in the "DoubleQuotedCharacters" production of the lexical grammar of ABNF.

The same applies to the tag format, even though the alternate delimiter format makes a collision somewhat unlikely.  What was the reason to use an alternate tag delimiter in favor of escape sequences as supported by JSpeech?  


Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2002 10:36:43 UTC