RE: [dialog] Hamerich - VBWG official response to VoiceXML 2.0 Last Call Review Issues


thank you for your answer.

We are in fact not very satisfied with VBWG's resolution.
First we want to add the point, that we regret it very much not
to be able to view the new draft specifications.
Second we are happy that the VBWG promised to think about a smaller
embedded version of VoiceXML. In contrast, the other points force us to continue with workarounds. Here we would prefer a clear solution with VoiceXML elements.

But we hope - as mentioned in your reply - that the coming version of VoiceXML will be more flexible and will offer more possilibities.

Thanks so far,


Stefan W. Hamerich
TEMIC Speech Dialog Systems
Research Department
Soeflinger Str. 100
89077 Ulm

Tel:      +49/731/3994-123
Fax:      +49/731/3994-250

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2002 10:42:42 UTC