Re: Virtual Library: museums and funding

> 	I must admit I'm not sure about other people making money from
> 	our hard work unless some of it helps us continue the work.

 I agree entirely. I increasingly need a helping hand to do the routine work 
 in running the W3VL:Crystallography pages so that I can think about and 
 undertake further developments of the content and presentation. 

 I thought that Arthur's suggestion of adding the icons of organisations that 
 support materially and financially particular W3VL pages as icons at the end 
 of the file, a very good idea. So good that I implemented it on all of my 
 W3VL pages yesterday. (Don't tell me the unige icon is too big - I know but
 could not find a more suitable one in my rush.)

 In fact crystallography is very-well organised on the international level
 within an international scientific union called 'The International Union
 of Crystallography' (IUCr) which is a member of the International Council of 
 Scientific Unions.  I have been involved in IUCr activities for years (yes,
 I'm old, >50) and am just about to start negociations with the IUCr executive
 to try and obtain financial support from them for the W3VL: Crystallography.
 Other W3VL editors of pure or applied science pages might think about 
 contacting the respective scientific union for their subject matter. These
 organisations tend however to be rather conservative and you need the guidance
 of someone who knows the ropes to be successful.
Best wishes,


 H. D. Flack
 Laboratoire de Cristallographie, University of Geneva, Switzerland

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Received on Friday, 17 March 1995 05:03:48 UTC