Re: Ruby RB is no error?

> > This is probably due to, which specifies this element.
> But why would a W3C recommendation that is over 20 years old affect validation against “living HTML”?

I suppose one could view Ruby similar to SVG and MathML. And yet this case looks odd, because HTML handles Ruby differently—it does not leave it at making only <ruby> an element of the spec, and referring to the Ruby spec for the rest.

(I vaguely recall Ruby was moved to HTML—but I’m not sure. The specs don’t help clear that up.)

For the validator, it doesn’t only accept <rb>, but also <rtc> and <rt>. However, <rbc> itself is invalid. Try with the following snippet:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Ruby Validation Test</title>

It would be great if the validator team could look into this, and interesting to learn more about how Ruby exactly relates to HTML.

Jens Oliver Meiert ·

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2022 09:55:17 UTC