Re: Ask about report from Validator.w3

> I have a report with where there are many errors and I would like to know, which error is important and which not so much. Could you help me or recommend me to someone?
> It is about this report

First, it’s great that you’re taking this step to validate.

Then, my advice would be to generally address all errors. On scanning
the issues they seem all fairly trivial, too; it may look like much
but you may also find it’s all pretty easy to fix. In many cases all
you need to do is add a space—that appears to be a grateful task.

If you do get stuck on something, feel free to reach out directly to
me, too, so not to alert the whole list.

The best wishes,


Jens Oliver Meiert

Received on Thursday, 24 December 2020 13:18:17 UTC