Re: French?! English!

> For that case, I recommend you use <html lang=zxx>

Excellent point.
If only the document would not carry

<html lang="en">


> See
> That’s because the content of that particular document is overwhelmingly “
> non-linguistic”, and that’s what the “zxx” language subtag means.
> > but it also contains comments, and those are all in English.
> Unfortunately, in the case where the content of a document is largely non-
> linguistic, the language-detector backend that the HTML checker uses does a
> very poor job of guessing the language and ends up reporting false positives.
> To the language detector, the few instances of an actual human language in
> the content get lost among the dominant non-linguistic content.
> --
> Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2018 12:48:05 UTC