A 'rel' issue with 'Nu Html Checker'

Dear Support


In updating my script to HTML 5:  have an issue with your 'Nu Html Checker'


After many years of validating on using https://validator.w3.org/ with no
reported errors I am now obtaining errors.


My script calls a fancyapps.com slideshow for which I have a license.


You validator identifies an error in the following line(s) of script:

<a rel="gallery" class="fancybox" href="images/1.jpg"><img src="image.jpg"


It reports:

Bad value gallery for attribute rel on element a: The string gallery is not
a registered keyword.


Is this in fact an error with the validator or where can I find the
acceptable 'registered keyword' to replace 'gallery'


( stackoverflow.com seems to report a similar query at
on-error-despite-being-valid ) 


Kind Regards,


Geoff Porter

Lindisfarne Links

Holy Island

webservices@lindisfarne.org.uk <mailto:webservices@lindisfarne.org.uk> 

www.lindisfarne.org.uk <http://www.lindisfarne.org.uk/> 




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