Re: [www-validator] <none>

On 22 Aug 2017, at 6:07, Scott A Tovey wrote:

> It appears that your validator has a problem with dealing with
> the script tag as well as the <?php tag.

Regarding the script tag:

The error message doesn’t appear to be related to the code you’ve 
supplied. You’ll need to provide a complete test case before anyone 
can really tell what is going on. From the fragment of code quoted in 
the error message, it looks like the problem is due to incorrectly used 
conditional comments. These don’t appear in the code sample you 

Regarding the PHP tag:

PHP is not HTML. The markup validator is not supposed to be able to 
handle it. Run your PHP program, take the HTML output from it, and 
validate that output. You can’t validate the source code of the PHP 
program with a markup validator.

Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2017 08:06:03 UTC