Error relating to list within paragraph

Dear Sirs,

When checking the page whose URL is given at the foot of this message,
I was confronted by an error message in relation to the following
structure (where TEXT is the material included) :







The message said that the </p> at the end of this structure had been
found but was not preceded by a <p> tag.  I circumvented the problem
-- what ever it might have been -- by commenting out the closing </p>
tag, whereupon the validator gave me a 'clean bill of health' (so to

I think the <p> ought to be matched by a </p> and that, therefore,
this is an error in the validator.  But, hey, what do I know ?

>NOTE: Whenever possible, give the address of the document 
>you were checking.

(This file contains the original </p> in the form <!-- /p -->.)

Thank you for providing this service.

Best regards,

Vernon Wright

[This message, excluding my postal address and telephone number,
replaces one otherwise identical, that it might be included in the
public archive.]

Received on Monday, 16 March 2015 07:49:52 UTC