issue with validator flagging something the w3 site uses as an example

Hello there,

When I run through your verifier I get this 

*Error*: Bad value |navigation| for attribute |role| on element |ul| 

But when I check how that's supposed to be done on the w3 site

That is explicitly used as an example:

<ul role="navigation wai:sitemap">
     <li href="downloads">Downloads</li>
     <li href="docs">Documentation</li>
     <li href="news">News</li>

It states that sample is only 'informative', but still if that's not good
use then I would expect them to use another example. Please let me know
which of the two (verifier or standards document) is in error.

best regards,

  Jacques Mattheij

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2015 11:36:22 UTC