Re: WHATWG MetaExtension

2014-04-14 19:58, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:

> Holger Burghardt <>, 2014-04-13 11:52 +0200:
>> Dear Sir or Madame,
>> concerning the Markup Validation Service I would like to inform you
>> that it does not recognize the DublinCore MetaExtensions for HTML5
>> despite the fact that they are listed on the WHATWG wiki as allowed
>> extension values for the name="" attribute of the <meta> element in
>> HTML5. WhatWG suggests to write you so you can pull the "new" name
>> value.
> In fact the validator does recognize all values that are listed on the
> wiki. If you seem to be finding otherwise, please provide a test document
> that I can check to try to reproduce the problem.

I think there is some confusion regarding the way Dublin Core metadata 
is presented.

>> I would appreciate a brief feedback when the metaextensions will be
>> recognized by the W3C Markup Validation Service as I am migrating
>> from XHTML 1.0 to HTML5 for our website (
>> and use your service to verify my changes.

The page contains e.g.

<meta name="DC.Title" lang="fr" content=" .: Une Cerise au potager - 
&eacute;levage de lapins angoras en Alsace:. " />

The name DC.title is *not* registered or even mentioned at
Instead, dcterms.title is, with a reference to
"Expressing Dublin Core metadata using HTML/XHTML meta and link elements",
which in turn mentions DC.title but not dcterms.title.

If there's a mistake here, it has been in the process of defining DC 
things in the wiki, rather than in implementing the wiki table in 

I guess you could register DC.title (and similar names) in the wiki, 
with reference to the cited document. I don't see why that would be 
useful, since Dublin Core metadata seems to be just write-only code on 
web pages, but it would solve this technical problem, in due time.


Received on Monday, 14 April 2014 17:42:56 UTC