Re: Dublin Core

2013-04-23 17:31, James Pickering wrote:

> ---- Julio Cesar Mantovan <> wrote:
>> I tried to validate a url containing dublin core and validator pointed out an
>> error, the validator does not support DB?
>> example:
>> <meta name="DC.Title" content="Page Title" />
> It works for me:

It works for anyone using a non-HTML5 version of HTML, such as XHTML 1.0 
Strict. Julio’s issue is apparently with HTML5, since for any other 
version of HTML, the validator does not check the content of name and 
content attributes in <meta> at all (apart from recognizing entity and 
character references and reporting errors in their syntax).

This means that the following works just as fine, as far as validation 
in concerned, with such HTML versions:

<meta name="This is a cool name I just invented! ☺" content="foo" />


Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2013 16:02:29 UTC