Re: Validator not consider the pattern attribute

On 25 Nov 2012, at 03:07, Otávio R. Rossi <> wrote:
> The attributte "pattern" is not considerated for W3C Validator Markup.

Yes, it is. 

> Look at this exemple

There are no complaints about the existence of the pattern attribute there.

> In this case, the Validator show 3 errors because i use one regular expression in attribute "pattern", but in this case "&" is not incorrect.

The errors are because you have written a regular expression and then expressed it in text instead of in HTML. Since you are including it in an HTML document, you must express it in HTML where the & character means "Start of a character reference" and needs to be represented as &amp; if you way to say "ampersand".

David Dorward

Received on Sunday, 25 November 2012 15:09:27 UTC