Re: Errors.. checking the content inside href


In (the source of) a HTML document & has to follow by ; with something 
in between. Always. HTML entities those constructions are called.

If you want a "&" on your screen, or as part of the address a link 
points to you have to encode it as "&"

validator coders:

Many, many people assume that hrefs are an exception to the rule when it 
comes to "&", maybe it's an idea to make the feedback of the validator 
more clear&specific in this case?



Thomas Mack wrote:
> Whenever I check my site, I get 34 Errors, and 27 warnings... That's 
> good, except it's giving me errors like:
> Line 61, Column 66: cannot generate system identifier for general entity 
> "type"
> … <a href="default.aspx?ViewDetail&type=events&id=11">
> It's checking the content inside links. Why is this?
> The URL is 
> But it doesn't do it on my other website:
> Both of them are dynamically generated by ASPNET.

Received on Monday, 30 March 2009 14:23:13 UTC