Re: Local validator does not work - missing perl modules

Yep, it helps. Thank you. I do not find all information needed due to new
errros [ Can't load 'OpenSP/OpenSP.dll' for module SGML::Parser::OpenSP ]
After some googling, i found kind of same problem -> this topic helped me
too, even i'm running apache and not iis :
I just installed OpenSP from tutorial archive. This module, that didn't
installed on ActivePerl 5.10 but did on 5.8. I probably had some bad
uninstall of the 5.10 and bad path variables stagging in place.

Finally, i can say that validator does not work under ActivePerl 5.10 - due
to lack of updated modules. The 5.8 version is obligatory.

Resolved andvalidator working ! :o)

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2009 15:48:30 UTC