Html 5 validator gives different results with direct input than with url input


When I test using the direct input method the validator reports it as
valid html 5 even though I have an iframe with frameborder="0" and an
image with border="0"
When I test a similar page using the url, it reports it as invalid and
lists the border and frameborder as not allowed at this point.

This was leading me to believe I did not have any validation issues in
changing from xhtml 1.1 transistional to html 5, but when I deployed
the site I discovered that I do still have validation issues when
testing by url.

Best Regards,

Joe Audette

Joe Audette
Software Solutions Architect
Source Tree Solutions, LLC
PO Box 621861
Charlotte, NC 28262

Received on Monday, 3 August 2009 09:29:37 UTC