[VE][108] Confusing error msg: Attribute "X" is not a valid attirbute. Did you mean "x"?

Validating the HTML below results in an error message given as:

Line 3, Column 19: Attribute "HEIGHT" is not a valid attribute. Did you 
mean "height"?

It is clearly an error, but the error message might confuse a user into 
thinking the problem is case related, or something else such that 
"height" could be used somehow.

If it didn't have the "Did you mean ...", then it would not be confusing.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<table><tr height="25"> <td>Test </td></tr></table>
</body> </html>

Error [108]: "there is no attribute X"

Received on Monday, 3 August 2009 09:29:34 UTC