Re: Yahoo! sucks! bigtime!

On 17 Mar 2008, at 15:20, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> To Yahoo!, who may or may not ever stumble upon this archived out in
> Cyberspace, been here, done this privately in the Past.. Bottom line
> is that, as grassroots support for universal standards continues, not
> [auto-generating] code that meets validation and accessibility
> standards will indeed have a direct effect on, well, that ever
> precious... *bottom line*.. :wink:

Crazy idea, but if you have a problem with something your hosting  
company is doing you could try talking to them.

I've no idea how the Yahoo! hosting works, but it is entirely  
possible that the tracking is an optional feature you can switch off  
in whatever admin interface is provided.

David Dorward

Received on Monday, 17 March 2008 15:58:02 UTC