Install on OS X 10.5.2

OS X 10.5.2, stock Apache install. OpenSP 1.5.2 (in
/usr/local/bin/onsgmls), Perl modules are installed correctly (afaik
Validator installed in /Library/Webserver/Documents (kind of default
location, per [1])

Attempting to validate a webpage returns the following errors:

> Does not exist or is not a directory: /usr/local/validator/share/templates /usr/local/validator/htdocs/sgml-lib

> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Library/WebServer/Documents/validator/htdocs/check line 216.

I've turned my validator.conf (in /etc/w3c) upside down multiple
times, but can't see any errors.

What am I missing ? It doesn't seem to be a server problem (the page
is loaded, the check cgi is handled as a cgi), but rather a path issue
(validator.conf not found ? but it is there in /etc/w3c).

(I had previously successfully installed the same validator on 10.4
without any troubles. This time, on a new machine with 10.5, it does
not want to work)


[1] <>

Philippe Wittenbergh

Received on Friday, 29 February 2008 00:25:47 UTC