Re: elements hr in a xhtml basic 1.1 document

Salut Damien.

On 6-Aug-08, at 10:49 AM, Damien B wrote:
> It produces the same error you encounter.
> Trying doctype overriding in the validator, it validates fine as  
> XHTML 1.1, and not as XHTML Basic 1.0. But, in the selection of  
> doctype for overriding, there is no XHTML Basic 1.1 proposed.
> So the question is: is XHTML Basic 1.1 supported by the current  
> release of the validator, or only Basic 1.0?

XHTML Basic 1.1 support will be added with the release on friday.


Received on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 15:26:36 UTC