HTML Validation

Hello All,  

I was wondering how important validating your HTML code was and for what reasons?  I have used the HTML validators provided the W3C ( and have managed to fix 100% of the errors on all pages of our website .  I like writing code that is free of errors and really appreciate the free validation service that you provide, but was wondering if it was really worth all the work to correct the errors and warnings.  I see that the majority of websites out there do not take the time to do the same.

About Kepware: Kepware specializes in OPC and device-communication technologies for the industrial automation market. With over 10 years of steady progress, Kepware Technologies has become a trusted source of genuine connectivity products based on open standards. We are an active member of the OPC Foundation and we are committed to its goal of ensuring interoperability in automation.

Best Regards,
Steve Riley
Systems Engineer
Kepware Technologies
"Automation's Best Friend"

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 14:03:23 UTC