Improvement of error message

Dear sirs/madams:
When validating a page containing links to URI's containing ampersands, I
often get a load of errors, at least 4 per ampersand and thus often a huge
lot for each link. For instance, when linking to a product on, I
can get 20 errors.
[VE][338] Warning  Line 619 column 150: cannot generate system identifier
for general entity "field-keywords".
[VE][25] Error Line 400 column 96: general entity "field-keywords" not
defined and no default entity.
[VE][325] Error Line 400 column 110: reference to entity "field-keywords"
for which no system identifier could be generated.
Info Line 400 column 95: entity was defined here.
Above are the errors I am referring to.
It's driving me nuts. Now, I am aware of the fact that I should be using
& instead of & in URI's, because I have searched for and found a
solution long ago. However, making such a fuss about each ampersand and each
link, seems a bit unnecessary. It would be well possible to limit it to one
error per link. Making the error message more descriptive (say: Please
replace all instances of "&" with "&" in the href attribute on line X,
column X?) also seems quite easy.
And last but not least: is it actually wrong to use ampersands in href
attributes? The validator says so, but I reckon it is also possible that
ampersands in href attributes do not at all cause problems of any kind, but
the validator is just told to parse everything for ampersands in attributes
and present the user with multiple error messages each time it finds one.
I hope you  find my feedback useful.
Lennart Goosens, the Netherlands.

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2007 22:39:20 UTC