Re: QA & A11y question: new w3c validator interface

Hi Olivier,

On 23/08/07, olivier Thereaux <> wrote:
> Looking further, I think I finally understand: while the tabbed
> sections are indeed hidden from view with display: none, the options
> toggling apparently isn't.
> For the options toggling, we are using the mootools framework's
> slideOut and slideIn routines, I can send them a suggestion to make
> sure that slideOut() properly forces display:none;.

There might be scenarios where it's desirable to move content off the
screen, but not hide it completely with display:none - for example,
someone might use the method to move context information out of the
viewport, but leave the content available to provide context for
screen reader users.

For the "More Options" section, it would be better to use the same
technique you're using to hide the tab panels (display: block and
display: none), rather than using slideOut and slideIn.

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Thursday, 23 August 2007 08:36:40 UTC