Re: XHTML Family Document Types and the validator

Le 24 avr. 2007 à 22:16, Shane McCarron a écrit :
> Just a thought...  According to XHTML Modularization [1], all XHTML  
> Family Document Types *must* have a DOCTYPE with an FPI that  
> matches a certain pattern.  Given this requirement, would it be  
> reasonable to teach the validator that, at least by default, the  
> parsing rules for documents that have a DOCTYPE that matches that  
> pattern be "XML"?

It seems difficult given this

     "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
     text/html  or application/xhtml+xml
     "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
     "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN"

and the Naming Rules.
the rule 3 seems unclear too as it seems to impose a MySomething.

So the rule 3 says after XHTML, to have a clear identifier

" 1.0 Strict"
" 1.1"
"+RDFa 1.0"

I'm not sure it is possible to code that. :/

         3.6. Naming Rules

          XHTML Host Language document types must
         adhere to strict naming conventions so that
         it is possible for software and users to
         readily determine the relationship of
         document types to XHTML. The names for
         document types implemented as XML Document
         Type Definitions are defined through Formal
         Public Identifiers (FPIs). Within FPIs,
         fields are separated by double slash
         character sequences (//). The various fields
         must be composed as follows:

         1. The leading field must be "-" to indicate
         a privately defined resource.

         2. The second field must contain the name of
         the organization responsible for maintaining
         the named item. There is no formal registry
         for these organization names. Each
         organization should define a name that is
         unique. The name used by the W3C is, for
         example, W3C.

         3. The third field contains two constructs:
         the public text class followed by the public
         text description. The first token in the
         third field is the public text class which
         should adhere to ISO 8879 Clause
         Public Text Class. Only XHTML Host Language
         conforming documents should begin the public
         text description with the token XHTML. The
         public text description should contain the
         string XHTML if the document type is
         Integration Set conforming. The field must
         also contain an organization-defined unique
         identifier (e.g., MyML 1.0). This identifier
         should be composed of a unique name and a
         version identifier that can be updated as the
         document type evolves.

         4. The fourth field defines the language in
         which the item is developed (e.g., EN).

          Using these rules, the name for an XHTML
         Host Language conforming document type might
         be -//MyCompany//DTD XHTML MyML 1.0//EN. The
         name for an XHTML family conforming module
         might be -//MyCompany//ELEMENTS XHTML
         MyElements 1.0//EN. The name for an XHTML
         Integration Set conforming document type
         might be -//MyCompany//DTD Special Markup
         with XHTML//EN.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Sunday, 29 April 2007 22:29:56 UTC