Grammatical Error in Validator Text


1. When validating XHTML with the outline option checked, the following
message appears at the top of the outline:

     Below is an outline for this document,
     automatically generated from the heading 
     tags (<h1> through <h6>.)

Please note that the period goes OUTSIDE the parentheses, unless the
entire sentence, from capital letter to EOS punctuation, is contained
within the parentheses. (This is true for both US and International

American English is idiosyncratic, clumsy, and counter-intuitive when
it comes to the rules regarding quotation marks; however, with the
other similar constructions (parentheses, etc), American English
follows logic and convention.

Try this:

     Below is an outline for this document, 
     automatically generated from the heading 
     tags (<h1> through <h6>).

= = =

2. The code in your fancy, snappy address link is not supported in
Yahoo mail.  But Yahoo is the only e-mail service I know of that allows
spoofed addresses (their only good point).

Since I'm not about to give you my real addy to post and since I saw no
method listed for communicating privately with y'all (as would have
been most appropriate for this message, ¿verdad?), I send using Yahoo,
and I send to, without the fancy, snappy code.

Take care, okay?

Received on Tuesday, 7 March 2006 07:46:21 UTC