Re: namespace question

Siegfried Gipp wrote:

> Generally i do not like the idea much of setting up a DOCTYPE for anything 
> possibly used in xhtml. The DOCTYPE should simply be xhtml, nothing more. 

Well, the best is to omit !DOCTYPE completely (if you do not need to use 

> It would be really great if the validator could be set up for validating only 
> (x)html. This would be the way to validate any xhtml page, served as 
> application/xhtml+xml, using any xml element out of any xml namespace without 
> failing the validation (as long as the xhtml part is valid). A statement 
> like "this page is valid xhtml x.y" does imply nothing about elements of 
> other namespaces other than them beeing well-formed.
> So the basic idea of this relax validator is indeed the way to go. Altough 
> simply ignoring might be replaced by checking for wellformedness.

Relaxed works as you describe. There are several schemas available and 
if you choose XHTML 1.0 schema, elements from XHTML namespace are 
validated and other elements are just ignored (ignored = only checked 
for well-formdness, not validated).

> BTW namespaces: It should be possible to validate any xml file with embedded 
> xhtml wether the xhtml elements are using the default namespace (as in 
> standard xhtml files) or any namespace prefix. Any xhtml validator should in 
> any case simply validate the xhtml parts. So for example a standard web page 
> using standard xhtml but using a namespace prefix for any xhtml element for 
> whatever reason should validate, too.

This is of course supported by Relaxed, because it uses XML parser for 
reading documents to validate.

   Jirka Kosek     e-mail:
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Received on Sunday, 30 July 2006 12:52:45 UTC