Re: "Unknown Parse Mode!" when validating with DOCTYPE chosen to force STRICT mode in Mozilla

Dear Olivier --

olivier Thereaux wrote:

> So, by using a system identifier, you're basically fooling the  browser 
> into thinking you're not using a transitional doctype? Just  curious... 
> As I'm not entirely familiar with that browser's different  "modes".

Even I am not sure why/how using a system identifier works as it does :
I am cc'ing David Baron in the hopes that he can clarify the
underlying mechanism.

David, could you please let Olivier and I know why/how using a SYSTEM
identifier causes Mozilla to use Full Standards Mode ?

This question arose because my use of a SYSTEM doctype causes the
validator to be unsure whether to use SGML or XML rules for parsing ...

I'll revert to a PUBLIC doctype for now, as the warning will
undoubtedly confuse my webmasters, none of whom are professionals.

Philip Taylor

Received on Thursday, 13 July 2006 11:07:29 UTC