Re: checklink installation instructions

Hello Dmitri,

On Aug 7, 2006, at 01:26 , Dmitri Goosens wrote:
> I did try to follow all the steps you mention in the instructions,  
> but I am not able to install the program. I am not an Engeneer in  
> Computer Science and thus I have never worked with Perl.

Installing the link checker, as the instructions perhaps fail to  
state simply, is just a question of installing a number of perl  
modules from the CPAN archive. I am not entirely familiar with how  
activeperl works, but I suppose that just like other perl  
distributions, you can install a module from CPAN by typing, from the  
command line:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install My::Module'

In the case of the link checker, the following should therefore work:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install W3C::LinkChecker'

Then follow the interactive menus, say "yes" to installing the other  
modules we depend upon, and all should work nicely.

Hopefully, if I am mistaken about how active perl works, someone with  
a better knowledge of it will correct me. There also seems to be a  
couple of FAQs on working with CPAN and ActivePerl, for instance:

Hope this helps,
olivier Thereaux - W3C -
W3C Open Source Software:

Received on Monday, 7 August 2006 00:31:42 UTC