Re: Relaxed - new HTML validation service based on RELAX NG + Schematron

On Sep 2, 2005, at 12:48, Osmo Saarikumpu wrote:

> Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> But isn't it pedantic that when Relaxed is presented, the focus tends 
>> to be "That's not a validator. Don't call it a validator!" (even 
>> though it is according to the RELAX NG and Schematron sense of 
>> "validator") instead of focus being on the fact that Nalevka's 
>> schemas capture the constraints expressed in W3C spec prose better 
>> than the normative DTDs?
> I'd have to disagree on the focus of the discussion (most of it I've 
> carried out privately with Petr). I'm sure that everybody welcomes new 
> software such as Relaxed.

I was not referring to only this discussion but to reactions to Relaxed 
in general. When I mentioned Relax in c.i.w.a.h, no one commented about 
the service being useful or anything like that. The only thing that got 
attention was that it should not be called a validator.

> The issue concerning it's name is just one aspect of making it better 
> and more accurate.

I agree that not calling it "the HTML validator" would help a lot--in 
particular by steering the discussion away from the topic of the 
accuracy of the title.

> Validator or not, RELAX NG and Schematron are too cryptic to be 
> included in the name of the service.

I disagree, but without qualifying the word "validator" with those 
names, the "it is not a validator" issue will come up again and again 
drawing attention away from the substance of the service. :-(

Henri Sivonen

Received on Friday, 2 September 2005 22:26:45 UTC