Re: css2.1 question

On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 11:21:11AM +0100, Beton, Richard wrote:
>    I don't know whether this is the correct list for this question, so
>    please forgive me if it isn't.

 The www-validator mailing list is used to discuss the W3C Markup
 Validation Service, Link Checker and Log Validator.
>    My question concerns the CSS2.1 Candidate Recommendation
>    ( and specifically Conventions
>    (

So, no, it isn't really the right place. This mailing list doesn't
even (offically) cover CSS validation.

I suggest you try www-style. 

 The list is also the preferred place for discussing working drafts
 that are published by W3C's working group on CSS (Cascading Style

(BTW, I happen to agree that the section you highlighted doesn't seem
to make a great deal of sense. It might be badly worded, make
assumptions about readers expectations, or be badly designed)

David Dorward                            

Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2005 10:34:02 UTC