Re: Entity declarations in DOCTYPE section

Hello Anderson

On Wed, Apr 06, 2005, Anderson Santana de Oliveira wrote:
> The w3c validator does not complain about entity declarations in the 
> DOCTYPE section. Is it right for XHTML strict pages, or is it a bug? 
> Firefox, for example, does not understand either the declarations, like 
> the example below
> <!DOCTYPE  html   PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
> ""
> [<!ENTITY foo  "bar"> ]>
  From a DTD standpoint, it's probably legal, but it's a behaviour
discouraged by HTML
[[ For reasons of interoperability, authors must not "extend" HTML through
the available SGML mechanisms (e.g., extending the DTD, adding a new set
of entity definitions, etc.).
 -- ]]


Received on Thursday, 7 April 2005 06:27:24 UTC