Re: [VE][73] Error Message Feedback

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Nick Kew wrote:

> > Error message:
> >
> >    end tag for "HEAD" which is not finished
> >
> > Suggested addition:
> >
> > This error will occur if the "<title>...</title>" tag is
> > omitted within the "<head>" element.
> The difficulty is that if you put that in for HEAD, it will also appear
> when the same message is generated from another element.  It doesn't
> make sense as an explanation for
>     end tag for "UL" which is not finished
> due to an absence of <li>s in a list!

But doesn't the validator "know" what it expects as required content? How
else could it report the error?

That is, can't the validator report e.g.

end tag for "HEAD" but required subelement "TITLE" was not found

using a suitable error message generation pattern?

If not, I think
  end tag for "HEAD" but a required subelement was not found
would be somewhat better the current one. It's illogical to say "which is
not finished", since the presence of a TITLE element does not finish the
HEAD element.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Saturday, 20 November 2004 19:51:48 UTC