Re: body and bgproperties

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, WP wrote:

> In first of them I've writen
> and validator found an error (BGPROPERTIES is forbidden)

Indeed, since the DTD you declare (or any other DTD in HTML
specifications) does not allow a BGPROPERTIES attribute.
(On the practical side, you could use background-attachment: fixed
in CSS instead.)

> and in second one
> The second page is OK for www-validator ;).

Yes, because it actually complies with the DTD. The reason is
that between those attributes you have


without quotation marks (so the quotes are what you are actually missing).

This gets actually rather complicated. It's part of the Saga of the
slashed validators, explained at
but the basic points are:
- the solidus (slash, "/") character is actually taken as
  terminating the BODY tag, by formal SGML syntax
- to avoid such problems, always put quotation marks around all
  attribute values, e.g. background="Graphics/zabki.gif"

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Friday, 16 January 2004 04:00:28 UTC