Re: 4.01 validation inconsistency re: <p> in HTML 4.01

On Mon, 23 Feb 2004, Philip TAYLOR [PC87S-O/XP] wrote:

> I understand both the questioner's and the responders points,
> but what is less clear is why the validator proposes the use
> of <P> tags at all;

Apparently because the inserted code might be made a child of <body>
in a Strict document. And many people think that a <p> element is somehow
more structured than a <div> element. Which is true of course; it's just
(somewhat debatably) wrong structure here - it means using <p> as a
universal container of text, not as paragraph markup.

> surely the recommendation to insert code
> would be less likely to cause errors and/or confuision
> if it restricted itself to  recommending solely the <IMG ...>
> tag with a caveat about "in a suitable context" ?

But since the inclusion of the tag is worse than pointless anyway,
isn't it suitable that the advice is given confusingly?

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2004 00:15:08 UTC