Re: 4.01 validation inconsistency re: <p> in HTML 4.01

Philip TAYLOR [PC87S-O/XP] wrote:

> I understand both the questioner's and the responders points,
> but what is less clear is why the validator proposes the use
> of <P> tags at all; surely the recommendation to insert code
> would be less likely to cause errors and/or confuision
> if it restricted itself to  recommending solely the <IMG ...> 
> tag with a caveat about "in a suitable context" ?

I agree that would be better [1].  That way, one tactfully steps 
around arguments over whether "Valid HTML 4.01!" really constitutes a 
paragraph.  Would providing no markup excerpts be even better?

Incidentally, the :8001 version -- the markup language of the checked 
document being either HTML *or* XHTML -- commandingly announces, "Here 
is the HTML you should use to add this icon to your Web page".  I'd 
substitute "could" for "should", at least.  The :80 version uses "could".

[1] Forgetting for a moment the convincing arguments against 
validation icons.


Received on Monday, 23 February 2004 16:15:25 UTC