Re: Problem with link checker?

On Mon, 2004-11-29 at 07:45 +0100, LECHNER, Georg wrote:

> I use the W3C link checker ( once a
> month to check my hyperlinks. I have observed that the link checker, for
> which I have nothing but praise otherwise, does not process the page
> till the end. It stalls when it
> reaches the link, which
> belongs to the information commission of Thailand.

I've tested this a couple of times with a few separate link checker
instances, but haven't been able to reproduce.  That link has always
worked ok, but there are others in your page which time out and cause
delays which may contribute to the problem.

Are you using the "summary only" mode of the link checker?  If, see and try checking in
"normal", not "summary only" mode.

Received on Saturday, 4 December 2004 15:50:55 UTC