Re: [BUG?] wrong column number

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Paul Arzul wrote:

> <p>
> 1234567890123
> 123<typo>0123
> 1234567890123
> </p>
> the validator lists the problem at column 8, while the column indicator
> (the caret ^) indicates column 9.

That's correct, as far as it goes.  The parser doesn't know it's not a
valid element until it hits the end of it at column 9.

The real issue is that line/column isn't really a good pointer into
markup.  Highlighting the entire "<typo>" tag would make more sense.
If it bothers you, you might find "visual" mode at
http://valet.webthing,com/page/ preferable.

> for comparison, the wdg's[1] caret indicator and column number are in
> agreement on column 9.

It uses the same parser.  But other parsers will generate the same result
when expressed as line/column.

Nick Kew

In urgent need of paying work - see

Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2003 17:05:31 UTC