Re: Custom DTD for case-insensitive ID values ?

"Jukka K. Korpela" <> wrote in message
> Interestingly, the W3C "markup validator" then says that
> "This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional!"
> (something I really did not ask it to check)

You supplied a document which contained an HTML.version entity that was
that, do you not think it's reasonable for an HTML validator to use that
entity to make its reports more readable?  The key information "not valid"
is there.

> followed by a source listing. I know that this is its odd way of telling
> that the page validates, but I'm afraid novices will be thoroughly
> confused.

Do you have a relevant test-case, so other people can see this behaviour, it
sounds like a bug to me, if the validator thinks it's invalid, it should
list the errors.


Received on Monday, 15 September 2003 07:49:02 UTC