Form Element Select and attribute selected

we are in the process of making our website W3c(XTML 1.0 Transitional) and Bobby AAA(W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.).
But I am facing a problem there is a clash between xhtml and bobby.A Form element (select ) causing this problem. Bobby requires 'selected' but xhtml 1.0 don't allow 'selected' attribute.
Please see below for detail explanation.
I created a test page ( ) to test these two.

C.10. Boolean Attributes
Some HTML user agents are unable to interpret boolean attributes when these appear in their full (non-minimized) form, as required by XML 1.0. Note this problem doesn't affect user agents compliant with HTML 4. The following attributes are involved: compact, nowrap, ismap, declare, noshade, checked, disabled, readonly, multiple, selected, noresize, defer.

Include default, place-holding characters in edit boxes and text areas.
Placeholder text appears in the form control before the user has made any changes. The user can type over that text when entering data into the form. To create placeholder text:
With most form controls, placeholder text is included via the "value" attribute. 
Placeholder text for SELECT controls (drop-down lists and list boxes) is accomplished by making one of the OPTIONs active with a "selected" attribute. 
Radio button groups should have an option selected with the "checked" attribute of the appropriate radio button. 
Placeholder text for TEXTAREA controls is located between the opening and closing tags. 

Thanks and regards

Lenin Babu Ageer
Information Systems & Preservation
UK Data Archive - a service provider of the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)
University of Essex, 
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Received on Tuesday, 21 October 2003 07:49:05 UTC