"Validate this page" and 302 redirects

W3C has a useful tool which allows you to check that the links from your 
website are working, and alert you to any broken links:

W3C also has a tool to validate your webpages against HTML standards:

However, if you use the reccommended method to add a "check this page" link to 
your site, by adding a link to (1), this page returns a "302: redirect code".

Not a problem for either tool, nor for the website.  But each link to the 
HTML-checking tool is highlighted as a warning in the Link-checking tool.
So if you run the tool on a website with a link to 
http://validator.w3.org/check/referer on every page, the Link-checking tool 
goes into overload with displaying minor warnings.

Received on Monday, 20 October 2003 17:17:24 UTC