Re: Name and address removal

At 12:13 30/03/2003 -0500, you wrote:

>How can I remove my name and email from previous threads in the archive? 
>I'm an Internet security freak and hate when my name or email show up in 
>google, etc. because of the w3 archive.
>I found my email in two places when I search for it on google both from 
>the w3 archive.

And many more for matar84 on other lists.

The guidelines at state -

Archives of public mailing lists. Note: Comments that you send to these 
lists are archived and visible to the public.

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Question: This page looks broken. Could you fix it please? Answer: I'd be 
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can only suggest you try the webmaster with this request.

John Colby
Lecturer, School of Computing, Faculty of Computing, Information and English
F328a Feeney Building,  University of Central England, Franchise Street
Perry Barr, Birmingham B42 2SU phone +44 (0)121 331 6937

Received on Sunday, 30 March 2003 15:13:25 UTC