Re: Error in W3c HTML 4.01 validator?

* Lars Hallberg wrote:
>I found this to be a confusing report, sins when is <ul> only alowed 
>inside aplets and buttons?? The URL of the tested page is

Well, <ul> is not allowed as child of <font>. <font> allows <applet>,
<object>, <map>, <iframe> and <button> children. Actually more, but
these elements allow <ul> children, thus between

  <font> <!-- and -->

is a

> [...] "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag

missing, i.e.

  <font><applet ...><ul>...
  <font><object ...><ul>...
  <font><map ...><ul>...
  <font><iframe ...><ul>...
  <font><button ...><ul>...

would be valid. This is indeed a confusing error message, but it follows
a certain rationale.

Received on Monday, 24 March 2003 13:04:03 UTC