Re: validation in Opera wrote:

>Is it possible to, when submitting a page to a validator that the
>submitting programme could, on request, insert a !DOCTYPE before
>transmitting the HTML that you're trying to check? Here I'm
>assuming that its someone else's page that's being submitted
>otherwise it would be correct in having a correct !DOCTYPE
>This way strange pages could be validated other than the missing
>!DOCTYPE to see just where they're going wrong.

This is allready possible by using the DOCTYPE and Character Encoding
Override methods. These let you Validate the markup regardless of whether
the information was provided originally.

The problem with these is that they will unconditionally override any
existing DOCTYPE or charset information -- and consequently give dire
warnings about this fact -- and in Opera's case -- since they are _always_
using the file upload feature where no "Revalidate" is possible -- this is
sub-optimal. Pretty much every document would generate "dire warnings", it
would be impossible for users to "Revalidate", and would be expensive for
Opera to implement/maintain compared to what they gain.

An option would of course be to offer multiple options such as "Validate
as.." that let the user set what DOCTYPE or Character Encoding override to
use. Or we could follow Håkon's suggestion and add defaulting options that
would only come into force iff there was no information available.

Now Playing "Brunt vann, Janette" by "To Rustne Herrer"",
 from the album "Damebesøk".

Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2003 12:45:12 UTC