Re: Character set specification


On Wed, Jun 25, 2003, Philip TAYLOR [PC87S-O/XP] wrote:
> In order to satisfy the validator, I modified the HTTP headers
> sent by IIS for .HTML documents to specify 
> 	Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> rather than 
> 	Content-Type: text/html
> as previously, as a result of which my campus search engine 
> (Infoseek/Inktomi/Verity)  refused to index the pages, 
> diagnosing them as "406 : not acceptable". 

Either it's too early for me to understand or there's something wrong
here... I don't see how setting up the charset served could possibly
result in a 406. Maybe you changed something else in the setup?

Anyone having any idea to explain this situation?


Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2003 16:02:51 UTC