Re: 500 error - Web site can't be accessed by the validator

On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Jake Montana wrote:

> I have been able to validate pages on
> just fine until about a week ago.
> Suddenly, all I get on any page I try is: 500 Can't
> connect to (Bad hostname

Works fine now.  Either a temporary condition on the 'net, or something
silly like a typo when you tried it.  Or just possibly you have a broken
browser or proxy that's mangling your request.

> For your amusement, answer from valueweb support: If
> you are not able to validate your pages at
>, then you will want to do a
> search on line to find a web site that can validate
> your HTML coding.

There are two alternative validators linked directly from  Site Valet or the WDG Validator will do the job.

Nick Kew

In urgent need of paying work - see

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2003 13:20:37 UTC