- From: Chris Casciano <chris@placenamehere.com>
- Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 01:47:44 -0500
- To: www-validator@w3.org
A conversation arose in another forum[1] regarding offline validation, validation of content behind firewalls, yadda yadda yadda. As a result of that conversation I am in the process of attempting to install the W3C validator on my powerbook running OS X. Karl Dubost suggested I post my comments on the process here so their on the record if you plan on creating some docs in the future. (ulterior motive - its not working yet - so I'm looking for some help too) I. What I'm after (feel free to forward to QA if that's a more appropriate forum for this portion) My needs as a web developer are two fold: - Be able to validate documents on my local dev server - Be able to validate an entire site (either in dev or production) - Be able to automate either task as much as possible so it becomes part of my workflow. Not wanting to start from scratch I've looked at two existing validators - the W3C validator & the HTML Help offline browser[2] - neither of which have much documentation on attempts to install on OS X. At this point I've gotten the HTML Help validator installed and running[3] and that will probably serve my own needs better in the long run, but I had some time to spare tonight so I wanted to give the W3C validator a go too. I downloaded the source from the W3C site this evening at started at it. II. W3C Validator Installation Comments Onto the stuff that's germane to this list and a rundown of what I did to get the validator up and running (well... as running as it is... See below) on OS X 10.2.4 Warning: While I have fink installed I try to avoid using it as much as possible in the sometimes futile interest of keeping track of what's installed where. For this reason the process I went through is all over the map and probably doesn't lend itself to be seen as a tutorial. Warning 2: I'm not much of a C/C++ programmer so when builds go wrong and the problem isn't obvious (like a path problem or a missing lib) I tend to look for another was instead of attempting to fix the problem So, onto my notes of my saga thus far: * PERL: of the currently listed required modules only Text::Iconv gave me problems when installing via the the cpan shell. There were a number of other modules required by check that I know aren't stock on OS X. Some I had installed already, all of the required modules that were unlisted installed fine via the cpan shell. Getting Text::Iconv installed - The problem I ran into is that Text::Iconv requires libiconv and it could not find it. Although the following page describes the problem & solution the solution didn't work for me: http://david.wheeler.net/osx.html Finding no other potential solutions and wanting to move on I eventually installed it via fink. * PARSER - (note: as a result of getting the HTMLHelp Validator up and running I already have OpenJade installed via fink.) Initial attempts to build OpenSP-1.5 from source failed. It is available via fink, but in my dist (0.51) its only in unstable so to get it I had to copy its the appropriate files into /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo as described here: http://fink.sourceforge.net/faq/usage-fink.php#unstable * WEB FILES - My goal was to install the web files (current source tar ball) on a locally running virtual server[4]. - I grabbed the files from the uncompressed tar ball and dropped them where I wanted them - Htdocs in the virtual server's doc root and cgi-bin in its cgi-bin dir and config in /etc/w3c/. This meant a few changes to the the related html docs who wanted check in the doc root. - the fink dist of Text::Iconv is outside of my perl include path so the first line of check changed to: #!/usr/bin/perl -TI /sw/lib/perl5 - the file validator.conf file wasn't included in the tar dist... Grabbed it from cvs, made the needed changes (pointing at the parser in /sw/bin being one) & tossed it in /etc/w3c - at this point check picked up the config file, but wasn't parsing it properly tossing up an error for a uninitialized value for the sgml parser. Investigation (i.e. cvs) showed the config format was totally rewritten & migrated to Config::General so my files were out of sync (no surprise) - switched site to cvs version. Redid some html changes. Got the templates working. Template location is hard coded in check and I moved em so had to change that. This is where I have to leave it for a few days. At this point I've managed to get all the dependencies installed and running (properly I think). - /cgi-bin/check is running without errors - its grabbing remote files just fine - its picking up doctype & char encodings accurately - source, parse tree & outlines all seem to work properly BUT... Every document I run through the validator comes back with "This page is not Valid !" yet no messages are given in the "below are the results" section... This is the case with both valid and invalid docs. I'd like to track down the problem in the script, but can't get to it tonight and wont be able to look at this again until some time next week. So if anyone knows what to look at or change to get this going, or knows where I went astray please speak up. If not sit back and wait for my follow up email in a week or so. [1] http://www.webdesign-l/ [2] http://www.htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/offline/ [3] If you care to know, I couldn't get lq-nsgmls to build but I was able to replace it with OpenJade with minor adjustments to their script. [4] normal apache virtual setting w/ local dns resolution setup via NetInfo Manager -- [ Chris Casciano ] [ chris@placenamehere.com ] [ see things @ http://www.placenamehere.com ] [ read words @ http://www.chunkysoup.net/ ] [ buy prints @ http://placenamehere.com/store ]
Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 01:47:27 UTC