Re: question on validating links from databases

The trick is to get the database pages to output a correctly escaped
URI.  I don't see why you'd want to reprogram the validator to pass
invalid code as valid, when the problem is the database output code.


On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 10:16 AM, Pamela K Peters wrote:

> When using the W3C MarkUp Validation Service I receive errors on my  
> files because of the URIs from database pages. Since using a database  
> is quite prevalent, could the validator be written to ignore the  
> href="....." string? The file, except for URIs is compliant, so the  
> "This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional!" is not correct.
> Example from my file:
> 49: <a  
> href=" 
> equipment_director.asp?cind=1&grp=Telephone" class="leftnav">Telephone
> Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an  
> SGML parser.
> Line 49, column 74: cannot generate system identifier for general  
> entity "grp"
> ...ipment/equipment_director.asp?cind=1&grp=Telephone"  
> class="leftnav">Telephone
>                                           ^
> Line 49, column 74: general entity "grp" not defined and no default  
> entity (explain...).
> ...ipment/equipment_director.asp?cind=1&grp=Telephone"  
> class="leftnav">Telephone
>                                           ^
> Line 49, column 77: reference to entity "grp" for which no system  
> identifier could be generated
> ...ipment/equipment_director.asp?cind=1&grp=Telephone"  
> class="leftnav">Telephone
>                                              ^
> Line 49, column 73: entity was defined here
> ...uipment/equipment_director.asp?cind=1&grp=Telephone"  
> class="leftnav">Teleph..
> Thank you for considering this.
> ******************************************************************
> Pamela K. Peters
> University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2003 14:08:01 UTC