- From: AJ Milne <ajmilne@well.com>
- Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 10:30:18 -0500
- To: www-validator@w3.org
Just to let the list know. Hooked up to modify the LWP call to handle validating docs on a testbed install of a site with an odd auth scheme. Quick details: 1. Couldn't get anon cvs to hand over the code; said checkout not allowed for anon user; downloaded tarballs. 2. Didn't see docs describing renaming/moving of config files; worked out from code 3. My version of onsgmls (1.5pre6) doesn't know the -R flag; removed from call ... otherwise pretty painless. debian-woody x86 system, apache-mod-perl (statically linked), perl 5.6.1 AJM
Received on Sunday, 23 February 2003 10:30:14 UTC